The Sovereignty Movement: Moves Made by the PA Necessitate Sovereignty

Hiim Zah, GPO

The Sovereignty Movement supports the call by the Finance Minister to the Prime Minister to respond assertively to steps taken by the PA, to bring it down and apply Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.


The Sovereignty Movement supports Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who calls on the Prime Minister to respond assertively to steps being taken by the PA, to sever all ties, including economic, with its leaders, to cause its collapse and apply Israeli sovereignty over the entire area of Judea and Samaria.

This step is called for not as punishment to a terrorist regime, which persecutes Israel and works toward its destruction, but as a historic necessity and an expression of justice, morality and the dream of generations of the Jewish People, full Israeli sovereignty over the entire area of the Land of Israel. 

“However, Israeli statesmen must take advantage of every diplomatic-historical opportunity to implement the People’s vision and its dream, and if the PA is now launching a diplomatic-criminal attack against Israel, it must be used for the good of the People” says the Sovereignty Movement.

The movement appeals to the Prime Minister, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, and calls on him to join the Finance Minister’s declaration in the spirit of what he wrote in his book, “A Place among the Nations”:

“The governments of Israel have sufficed with presenting security considerations in explaining what Israel must add to strengthen the area of Judea and Samaria. The Arabs, in contrast, do not hesitate at all to assert their right over the land and often resort to false historical claims, which only few among the foreign media deign to dispute … When the Jewish People longed to return to its Land, it saw in its mind’s eye the places that Moshe Dayan named in his speech (“We have returned to the cradle of our  People’s beginning, the Land of the Judges and the stronghold of the House of David. We have returned to Hevron and Shechem (Nablus), to Beit Lehem and Anatot, to Jericho and the Jordan Crossings” Moshe Dayan). And many other places in the hills of Judea and Samaria.

The Finance Minister and Prime Minister have their hearts in the right place, the Sovereignty Movement states, adding that with his deep and Zionist historical viewpoint the Prime Minister knows the significance and essence of the People of Israel’s connection with the cradle of its birthplace, the heart of the Land of Israel, Judea and Samaria, and as one who seeks to leave a real historical, diplomatic legacy, he has the power to turn the vision into reality and apply Israeli’s sovereignty over the entire expanse of the Land.

The co-chairwomen of the Sovereignty Movement, Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, continue, emphasizing the significance of applying sovereignty now, during a war against an enemy who only understands one language, the language of control of  land. “Human life has no value in their eyes, economic distress and sanctions will not move them. Only the loss of land, which did not belong to them in the first place, will make clear to them the meaning of Israeli victory and their defeat. Israeli sovereignty will crush the terror dream of a Palestinian state on the ruins of Israel and end the current war even in the opinion of the Arab enemy as well”, say the two women.

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