To download the Sovereignty Journals

The Sovereignty Journal has been issued in October 2014, witharticles and interviews with ministers, Knesset members and policy makers.
You can view and download all issues published so far.

What is Sovereignty?

What is the definition of sovereignty? What is the meaning and the ramifications of sovereignty? What is the source of sovereignty over the Land in general and over Judea and Samaria in particular? The Sovereignty Movement responds.

The definition: Sovereignty is the exclusive authority of the state or a people over a specific territory.

Meaning: Since it is exclusive to a specific people or state, the meaning of sovereignty is the independent control of the territory, thus the acceptance of full responsibility for what transpires within that territory and the implementation of the state's or the people's full rights over the territory.

Implications: Sovereignty of a state requires full responsibility of various sorts, toward the population as well as toward the territory. These things are expressed by maintaining security, enforcement of law and order, ensuring economic stability, protecting environmental quality, protecting civil rights and human rights, living conditions and protecting nature as well as a great number of other aspects. As stated in the term's definition, sovereignty constitutes exclusive authority of one people and one state. It is not possible to divide sovereignty over one territory between two or more nations for the simple reason that each nation has its own objectives, its own interests, its own way of life and ideology and it is from all of these things that the way of life in a sovereign territory is derived, in accordance with the determination of the sovereign nation. Because of this, the implementation and recognition of sovereignty prevents and thwarts the hopes for a parallel sovereignty alongside another nation.

 Regarding the State of Israel: The People of Israel's sovereignty over the Land of Israel stems from the Biblical promise. It was the power of this promise that led the nations of the world to recognize the right of the People of Israel to sovereignty over its Land and to determine this right in international law.

Regarding Judea and Samaria: Until now, the successive governments of Israel have refrained from resolving to apply Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. As a result, the legal fabric of the area has been damaged, meaning, Israeli law is not fully applied  and the Jewish residents live under military rule and a patchwork of regulations based on a combination of Ottoman law, British law, international law and Israeli law.

Moreover, in the absence of Israeli sovereignty, the Arab hope to establish another Arab state in these areas remains extant. Israeli hesitancy in the matter of sovereignty, in contrast to Arab resoluteness, is seen by the world as an Israeli admission that indeed, Israel has no right over the territory. This contradicts international law and is against the historic, Biblical right recognized by both the Western world and the Arab world.

The continued existence of the hope for an Arab state (in Judea and Samaria is only the first step) provides a tailwind for terror that seeks to push Israel off of its land and establish an Arab state on its ruins. Full Israeli sovereignty will also serve as a basis for the enforcement of Israeli laws by the relevant security and enforcement agencies, and will provide an unequivocal statement as to who is the exclusive sovereign in the territory.

As stated in the paragraph on "meaning", the meaning does not only relate to rights, but also to responsibilities. As such, sovereign Israel must ensure the civil welfare of the residents in the territory (and their legal status is a separate issue). In providing a comfortable life to the citizens, another motive that greases the wheels of terror will be removed. And when it becomes clear in a practical way that Israeli sovereignty benefits the people living in the territory, objections to Israeli sovereignty will be removed.  

Do not settle for partial sovereignty!

Women in Green Press release: Don’t be satisfied with just Maaleh Adumim. Do not settle for partial sovereignty!

The political renaissance of the Right

While the Israeli Left is deeply wallowing in inconsistency and stagnation, the Israeli Right is in the midst of a bona fide political renaissance – Sovereignty plans are proliferating.

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ריבונות - כתב עת מדיני
​The next generation of sovereignty leadership integrates into the work of the Knesset
Led by veterans of the Sovereignty Youth Movement that serve as assistants and advisors to members of Knesset, members of the parliamentary wing of the movement met with several members of Knesset that expressed full commitment to the vision and its implementation.
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The Hague Tribunal in the Service of Terror with a Robe and a Gavel – To paraphrase Ben-Gurion: "Hague-Shmague"
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​Impressive Success for the Victory = Sovereignty Conference
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ריבונות - כתב עת מדיני
​Those who sow in tears, will reap in joyful song (Psalm 126) . In Adorayim as well.
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ריבונות - כתב עת מדיני
Victory = Sovereignty
We are preparing for the Sovereignty Youth summer conference
ריבונות - כתב עת מדיני
Sovereignty. From statements to action on the ground and legislation
Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar
Application of sovereignty, on the ground and through legislation, is not only historically just and the fulfillment of a vision, but also the most effective response to terrorism
ריבונות - כתב עת מדיני
​The Sovereignty Movement to Smotrich: We Encourage You on the Road Ascending to Sovereignty
The Sovereignty Movement welcomes the words of Minister Bezalel Smotrich regarding the promotion of Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.
ריבונות - כתב עת מדיני
​Groups from the entire Land are Talking Sovereignty
The vision of sovereignty is arousing interest among groups from all parts of the Land, from all sectors of society and from many different worldviews. Take a peek at a few of our latest meetings.
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Rabbi Eliezer Melamed
Head of Har Bracha Yeshiva
Eran Bar Tal
Economist and journalist
Motti Karpel
Columnist and philosopher
Ze'ev Ben yosef
Dror Eydar
writer and art researcher
Hagay Huberman
Yehudit Katsover
Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar
Aenon Segal
Journalist and publicist
David P. Goldman
Economist and analyst. Author of the book How Civilizations Die
Ran Ishay
Imanuel Shilo
Shimon Cohen
Journalist and publicist
Karni Eldad
Journalist, publicist and artist
Daniel Pipes
president of the Middle East Forum
Yohay Damari
The Head of South Hevron Hills
Elyakim Haetzni
Attorney, former MK, columnist and one of yhe leaders of Gush Emunim
Haiim Kaz
Ayelet Shaked
MK Ayelet Shaked, former Minister of Justice
Ron Braeiman
Atty. Doron Nir-Tzvi
Expert in real estate law in Judea and Samaria
Dr. Mordechai Kedar

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